The A Series within this training program calls for the completion of 3 repetitions for every set. You should use step loading creating a 10% intensity spread from set to set so that your peak at your predicted 4RM on the final set.
If you fail to complete all 6 sets of 4 repetitions, do not change the weight for the next training session and aim for achieving the 4 repetitions for all 6 sets. If you are successful in completing all 6 sets of 4 repetitions, you should use a starting weight that is 2% higher than the last session.
In the Arms & Shoulders session, the A1 exercise is a Mid Range Pin Touch. The seated press has an ascending strength curve, meaning that in the bottom position you are weakest. The bottom half is the most mechanically disadvantaged position and therefore has the least potential for force production. The top half of the press is the strongest, therefore never gets overloaded when completing the full range of motion. The mid-range pin touch allows us to use significantly more weight than what would be possible with full range of motion.
To complete this exercise, you will need to set the pins so that the barbell hits the pins at the mid-point of the movement. It is important to softly come into contact with the pins under control as this will prevent the bar from bouncing out of position.
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