Navigating Logic in Sports: Understanding Fallacies in Arguments

In the realm of sports performance, logic serves as the backbone of effective decision-making and argumentation. Logic is essentially the science of deriving valid conclusions from a given set of premises. But what happens when these arguments are built on shaky grounds? This is where the understanding of logical fallacies, the errors in reasoning that weaken arguments, becomes crucial.

The Structure of an Argument

Every argument is composed of premises (assumptions, data, or facts) and a conclusion. In a robust argument, the conclusion logically follows from the premises. However, if the connection between the premises and conclusion is weak or flawed, the argument falls apart. This often happens through logical fallacies, which can be broadly categorized into two types:

  1. Formal Fallacies: These are mistakes in the argument’s structure where the conclusion does not logically follow from the premises.
  2. Informal Fallacies: These errors occur due to problems in the content of the premises or the conclusion itself.

Common Logical Fallacies in Sports Discussions

Social media and sports forums are rife with logical fallacies. Here are some common ones observed in the strength and conditioning industry:

  • Hypothetical Argument: Claiming that heavy squatting unequivocally increases sprint performance, without considering individual differences or additional factors that influence performance.
  • Ad Hominem: Dismissing a coach’s argument against heavy squatting by attacking their character or unrelated beliefs, rather than addressing the merits of their argument.
  • Appeal to Authority: Asserting that heavy squatting improves sprint times simply because a well-known authority figure said so, without presenting underlying evidence.
  • Biased Sample: Citing evidence from a non-representative sample, like youth athletes with minimal training experience, to generalize about the effects of heavy squatting on sprint performance.
  • Cherry Picking: Selectively presenting studies that support heavy squatting while ignoring studies that do not show the desired effect or present negative outcomes.
  • Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc: Assuming that because improved sprint performance followed heavy squatting sessions, it was caused by them, without considering other variables that could have influenced the results.
  • Red Herring: Distracting from the argument by bringing up irrelevant information or comparisons, such as mentioning one-legged BOSU ball exercises in a discussion about squatting and sprint performance.
  • Straw Man: Misrepresenting someone’s argument to make it easier to attack. For example, suggesting that someone who promotes alternatives to squatting for speed development does not value athlete speed.

The Importance of Critical Thinking

Understanding these fallacies is not just about winning debates but improving our “BS meter” to evaluate the strength of arguments and claims we encounter daily. Sir Karl Popper, a philosopher of science, suggested that the best theories are those that provide superior explanations and are robustly tested and critiqued.

It’s crucial for athletes, coaches, and sports enthusiasts to hone their critical thinking skills. This practice helps us not only in sports but in everyday decisions. As per Brandolini’s Law, refuting nonsense is more labor-intensive than producing it, but the effort spent in sharpening your analytical skills is a worthwhile investment.


Whether you’re a high school athlete, a college player, or a coach, understanding logical fallacies will enable you to critically assess performance-enhancing claims and make better, evidence-based decisions. As you navigate through vast information and opinions, remember that the strength of an argument lies not in its conviction but in its logical consistency and the quality of its evidence.